Lean Software Development

calendar 11 - 12 December 2024 | Warsaw
Duration: 16 H [9:00-17:00]
Language: Polish
Price till 11.11.2024: 730 EURO + VAT
Price from 12.11.2024: 825 EURO + VAT
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Lean Software Development

Lean Software Development Training

Lean is not just a kanban system! Get to know the tools famous from the Toyota Production System and see how to use them in software development. Learn why delivering value takes so long in your company and how you can eliminate waste to quickly achieve customer and company goals. A two-day workshop inspired by the creators of Lean Software Development (Mary and Tom Poppendieck), the author of The Toyota Way (Jeff Liker), and our visits to Toyota factories and other companies using the Lean approach.

What you will learn:

  • Why delivering value takes so much time and what to do about it.
  • How to find and eliminate waste to increase process efficiency.
  • Which engineering practices support the Lean approach.
  • How to plan work to be sure of meeting deadlines.
  • How to find out what users need.
  • What Lean is and how to apply the concepts of lean production in software development.
  • Which organizational structures promote innovation and value delivery.
  • How to enable employees to continuously improve the process.
  • What is the role of a leader in a Lean organization.
  • How to effectively implement changes in your organization.

Who is the training for:


For those wanting to increase the speed of delivering business value.

Scrum Master

For those wishing to effectively support the organization and implement significant changes.

Training scope:

Value Stream - Value Stream
  • Pull vs Push - symulacja dostarczania wartości
  • Values, Principles, and Tools of Lean
  • The Efficiency Paradox
  • Waste and How to Find it in Software Development
  • Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
Lean Organization - Creating Lean Organizations
  • Andon System and Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Structure Ready for Innovation, Multi-Team Collaboration
  • Lean Leader - How Their Role Changes
  • Understanding Causes - The 5 Whys Technique.
Lean Process - Creating Lean Processes
  • How to Shorten the Time of Delivering Value
  • What Slows Us Down in Software Development - Lean Engineering Practices
Lean Product - Creating Lean Products
  • How to Quickly Verify an Idea
  • Multitasking vs. Focusing on a Single Goal
Visualization of the Future
  • Future State Map
  • Effective Change Implementation - A3 Technique

Recommended by students:

Jakub, Perlak, SM/AC, PandaDoc (za chwilę)

Unique Lean Thinking Training Program (Not Just Kanban)

Many Examples from Toyota and Their Application to Software Development

Engaging Training

Certified Scrum Trainer
Tomasz Wykowski

I am the only Polish Certified Scrum Trainer, CST accredited by Scrum Alliance and LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer accredited by LeSS Company. Some say that my strong point is that I perfectly understand the needs of young companies. I know what they need and I can reach them because I know their problems and way of thinking

I have worked as a software engineer, project manager, Scrum Master. I know the delivery of products from all perspectives. In 2010, I founded ProCognita to help people build extraordinary organizations through Agile Coaching and training. I adhere to the principle that the theory alone does not give anything. Lectures and watching subsequent presentations will not improve your skills. The effects can only be obtained through experience and looking at the problem from different perspectives.

As part of the Lean Software Development training, you will receive:

  • 16 hours of training with a Lean Software Development practitioner.
  • Case studies from our clients and international corporations.
  • Printed and electronic training materials.
  • 16 Scrum Education Units (SEUs) for Scrum Alliance certification.
  • A certificate of completion.
  • Lunch and coffee breaks.
Lean Software Development
calendar 11 - 12 December 2024 | Warsaw
Price till 11.11.2024: 730 EURO + VAT
Price from 12.11.2024: 825 EURO + VAT
Do you pay out of your own pocket? Write - we have discounts and installments for you!
Lean Software Development

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