Talks, workshops and simulations
For over a decade we have been sharing our knowledge in conferences, local community meetings and company events.
We love sharing our knowledge and observations. We want to meet you and create a better world of work together. That is why for over a decade we have been speaking at international conferences, local Agile meetups and company events.
See some of our talks and invite us to your event!
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Talks and Workshops
Did you like our talks and interviews? Do you want to run a workshop for new product discovery or maybe lead a great retrospective?
Invite us to inspire your audience and learn how to fully utilize Agile and Lean to build teams, organizations and products.
Our workshops are a great opportunity to engage people and experience new ideas.
- Busy or Effective - Lean Simulation.
- Building Agile Structures - Lego Simulation
- Product Discovery: from vision till release plan
- Agile Leadership
- Effective facilitation
- System Thinking - Beer Game
- Value Stream Mapping
- Lego Scrum Simulation
- Conflict? Try perspective switch!
Our interactive talks engage your audience and show different aspects of Agile and Lean. recently we talk about:
- Scrum in Sales and Support
- 3 reasons, why your product development fails
- Scrum Principles
- Inefficiencies - what slows you down
- Leading Individuals
- Servant Leadership
- Am I a leader yet? Five shades of leadership
- 5 reasons why you should learn about LeSS
- SCARF model for understanding the change
- Speaking Managerish, how to promote Agile without being fired
- Lean Software Development
Events where we have been present:
- Big Agile Theory - Responsibility in Scrum, Katowice, Poland
- : Intralogistyka - Efektywni czy zajęci - symulacja Lean, Walbrzych, Poland
- : Zwinna Łódź - Jak sobie radzić w trudnych sytuacjach?, Lodz, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepsze Produkty - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepsze Produkty - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepsze Produkty - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepsze Produkty - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepszy Proces - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny Klub - Lepsze Produkty - Grupa ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile4U - Jak w praktyce wspierać rozwój motywacji w zespole scrumowym?, Torun, Poland
- : Lviv Project Management Day - Building Agile Structures, Lviv, Ukraine
- , , : support of Agile by Example 2018, Warsaw
- : Agile Warsaw - Agile Lean Leadership, Warsaw, Poland
- : Lviv Project Management Day - What We’ve Learned by Scrumming Sales and Support Teams, Lviv, Ukraine
- : Zwinny Klub - Backlog refinement & Working Agreement, Krakow, Poland
- Agile Warsaw - How organisations go nuts, Warsaw, Poland
- , : LeSS Conference - Building Agile Structures, New York, USA
- : HROVO - Agile for HR, Rzeszow, Poland
- : Reimagine Work - Shades of Leadership, London, UK
- : Agile Prague - Three reasons, why your product development fails, Prague, Czech
- , : XP2018 - What We’ve Learned by Scrumming Sales and Support Teams, Porto, Portugal
- : Zwinny klub - Trudne retrospektywy, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile Greece - 3 reasons why your product development fails, Athen, Greece
- Coorganizing of ACE Conference, Krakow, Poland
- : ACE! Conference - A difficult day of a Scrum Team, Krakow, Poland
- : Zwinny klub - Rola i zachowanie dobrego SM, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile Warsaw - Jak wspierać rozwój motywacji w Zespole Scrumowym?, Warsaw, Poland
- : Zwinny klub - Dobry Backlog, Krakow, Poland
- : 4Developers - Jak pracować z zespołem, aby budować jego motywację do tworzenia rozwiązań wysokiej jakości, Warsaw, Poland
- , , : ABE Light - Busy or Effective? - Lean Simulation,, Warsaw, Poland
- : LubLean - Czy to, jak “robimy” Scruma wpływa na motywację zespołu?, Lublin, Poland
- : ALE Kraków - Czy to, jak “robimy” Scruma wpływa na motywację zespołu, Krakow, Poland
- , : Big Agile Theory - Busy or Effective? - Lean Simulation, Katowice, Poland
- ABE Light - Four Metaphors for Lean, Warsaw, Poland
- : Zwinny klub - Assesment umiejętności SM, Krakow, Poland
- , : Global Scrum Gathering What We've Learned by Scrumming Sales and Support Teams, Mineapollis, USA
- : Jak wspierać rozwój motywacji w Zespole Scrumowym?, Lodz, Poland
- : Zwinny klub - Praca z organizacją, Krakow, Poland
- : Management 3.0 Warsaw - Jak skutecznie motywować zespoły, Warsaw, Poland
- : Agile Warsaw - Agile Product Management, Warsaw, Poland
- : Product Development Days - Building Organization Structures, Krakow, Poland
- AgileByExample 2017 : Member of Program Council, Warsaw, Poland
- , : Global Scrum Gathering Dublin - Perspective Switch, Dublin, Ireland
- : ALE Kraków - Building Agile Structures, Krakow Poland
- Zwinna Łódź: Budowanie Struktur Organizacji, Lodz, Poland
- , : ABE Light - Building Agile Structures, Warsaw, Poland
- : Agile Warsaw Impact Mapping with Innovation Games, Warsaw, Poland
- Justyna Wykowska, Marcin Lelek ALE Kraków - Tajniki szacowania, Krakow, Poland
- Support of AgileByExample Light, Warsaw, Poland
- : ABE Light - Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) case study in Poland, Warsaw, Poland
- Support of ACE! Conference, Krakow, Poland
- Management 3.0 Warsaw - Building Agile Structures Lego Simulation, Warsaw, Poland
- ALE Kraków - Praktyczne ćwiczenie z (samo)organizacji pracy, Krakow, Poland
- : LeSS Berlin - Speaking Managerish – how to hold discussion with managers about Agile, Berlin, Germany
- : Scrum Days - Scrum is Simple, But it's Hard – a Difficult Day of a Scrum Team, Warsaw, Poland
- Scrum Days - Scrum Product Owner - How not to make it broken by design, Warsaw, Poland
- : ALE Kraków - Pespective Switch, Krakow, Poland
- : Devoxx Poland - Speaking Managerish. How to promote your idea without being fired, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile Tour Vilnus 2017: Discovering Scrum Principles, Vilnius, Lithuania
- : Zwinna Łódź - Value Stream Mapping, Lodz, Poland
- Support of ACE! Conference, Krakow, Poland
- : ScrumImpulz, Bratislava, Slovakia
- : ALE16, Paris, France
- : Product Tank, Krakow, Poland
- , : Regional Scrum Gathering Porto - Perspective Switch, Porto,Portugal
- Agile Warsaw, Impossible Problems - Necessity is the Mother of Invention, Warsaw, Poland
- : Agile Tour Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
- Support of AgileByExample Light, Warsaw, Poland
- : Global Scrum Gathering Munich, Munich, Germany
- Support of ACE! Conference, Krakow, Poland
- : AgileByExample, Warsaw, Poland
- Support and presenting at : Agile Estern Europe, Kiev, Ukraine
- : (Keynote) Unexpected Unconference, Krakow, Poland
- Support of Test Well, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile Prague, Prague, Czech
- : PMI, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile 3M - Leading Individuals, Sopot, Poland
- Support of Lubelskie Dni Informatyki, Lublin, Poland
- Support of AgileByExample Light, Warsaw, Poland
- Co-organisation of 33rd Degree Conference, Krakow, Poland
- Support ACE! Conference, Krakow, Poland
- Coorganisation of ALE2014 un-conference, Krakow, Poland
- Coorganisation and support (Keynote) of AgileByExample, Warsaw, Poland
- : 33rd Degree Conference - Servant Leadership, Warsaw, Poland
- : Agile Swarming 2013, Krakow, Poland
- : AgileByExample, Warsaw, Poland
- Support of 33rd Degree 4 Charity,
- : IT Career Conference 2012, Krakow, Poland
- Support and presenting at 33rd Degree Conference 2012,
- : ALE Kraków, Krakow, Poland
- : Agile Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
- : Whale Riders Conference 2011, Moscow, Russia
- : Agile Eastern Europe 2011, Kiev, Ukraine
- Organization and support of Central and Eastern Europe Conference for Software Process Improvement 2011, Warsaw, Poland
- Support Agile Central Europe, Krakow, Poland