Certified ScrumMaster

calendar 09 - 10 December 2024 | Warsaw
Duration: 16 H [9:00-17:30]
Language: Polish
Price till 09.11.2024: 850 EURO + VAT
Price from 10.11.2024: 940 EURO + VAT
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Certified ScrumMaster

Scrum that brings value.

Deepen your knowledge and learn how to cope
with challenges in the role of a Scrum Master.

Discover how to become an effective leader in the world of Agile methodologies. Our two-day training will provide you with practical skills and the theoretical knowledge needed to effectively support a Scrum team. You will learn what hinders the agility of your organization and how to make Scrum deliver real value to the team and the entire company. You will draw insights from the history of Polish and international organizations and gain examples from IT, marketing, sales, and service teams. You will also take on challenges that Scrum Masters face daily and see popular Agile tools and practices in action.

After the Certified ScrumMaster training:

  • You will explain the value of increasing your company's agility and identify the biggest obstacles in achieving it.
  • You will demonstrate the benefits of applying each element of Scrum and the consequences of not doing so.
  • You will utilize Scrum Master tools and techniques to support organizational change.
  • You will help build effective, self-organizing teams.
  • You will select a working model suitable for your organization.
  • You will determine what is and isn't your product.
  • You will find a Product Owner and provide tools and techniques for iterative value delivery.
  • You will avoid the most common pitfalls encountered by Scrum Masters.
  • You will plan and conduct engaging Scrum meetings.
  • You will gain access to a database of materials, tools, and ProCognity Case Studies.

Who is the training for:

Scrum Masters

Those fulfilling this role and individuals with experience working in a Scrum Team.


Leaders of organizations working with Scrum or preparing for change.

Team Members

Those who want to understand Scrum in order to begin working with this approach.

Training scope:

Agility in business.
  • Work models - when a company needs an Agile approach.
  • What agility is and why it is difficult to achieve.
  • What Scrum provides and how it helps address daily challenges.
The mechanics of Scrum.
  • Scrum vs. Agile.
  • Values, principles, and frameworks in Scrum.
  • Practices that support and hinder agility.
  • When Scrum brings value, or how to prevent Zombie Scrum.
  • The purpose of all Scrum elements and how to increase their value.
  • How to avoid boring meetings, i.e., planning and conducting Scrum events.
  • Effective planning and estimation methods.
The role and competencies of a Scrum Master.
  • Who is a Scrum Master and how this role differs from a traditional manager.
  • The four stances and four areas of focus for a Scrum Master.
  • Tools and techniques essential in the work of a Scrum Master.
  • Facilitation techniques that facilitate team work.
  • Combining roles.
  • Best practices that reinforce the Scrum approach.
  • How to develop a Scrum Master's competencies after training.
  • Scrum Master vs. Agile Coach.


Iterative value delivery.
  • Risks and uncertainties in product development.
  • What is a product and how to define it in an organization.
  • Iterative and incremental approach to product creation.
  • Time to value delivery and how to shorten it.
  • Product Backlog management techniques.
  • Planning, estimating, and tracking work.
  • Product increment and the definition of done.
Building a team and collaboration.
  • What defines a good team.
  • How to effectively support a self-organizing Scrum team.
  • Finding a good Product Owner and how a Scrum Master can assist them.
  • Sprint Backlog and work during the Sprint.
  • Collaboration between roles in Scrum.


Organizational transformation.
  • How to build a team-based company.
  • Creating a work environment that fosters creativity.
  • Implementing changes in the organization within the context of Scrum.
  • Organizational structure that supports value delivery

Recommended by students:

Patryk Wieczorek, Video Game Producer

A training worth recommending. Good dynamics, clear materials, frequent changes in pace and format. Tomek, as the facilitator, is not only a highly competent professional but also a friendly person, open to conversation, and adaptable to the training group's needs.

Karolina Jurkiewicz-Gajda, Customer Service Specialist

Great training, tailored to the participants' attention span, in terms of breaks, materials, and communication techniques. The trainer's commitment and knowledge contributed to the substantive quality of the knowledge and skills being conveyed. Highly recommended.

Michał Piotrowski, pracownik transportu wew. w BSH

Superb training, a wonderful experience, and a complete departure from all the trainings I've had so far, although it turned out to be unnecessary for my current position. Perhaps someday! :)

Michał Kielak, Project Manager, Expert Services

I recommend the training led by Tomasz Wykowski, CSPO. There is a lot of information, but it's presented in a very accessible way. It's not just about imparting knowledge but also dispelling any doubts and guiding you toward best practices. If someone doesn't achieve success in their role after this training, it's only because they haven't fully implemented the recommendations.

Ewa Sierakowska

It met all my expectations in terms of coaching, program content, practicality, and the atmosphere. Above all, there was an immense amount of practical knowledge, which was my main goal. A Practitioner Trainer from whom you can gain a wealth of knowledge, leverage his experience, and adapt it to your needs. One of the best training sessions I have ever participated in.

Certified Scrum Trainer
Tomasz Wykowski

I am the only Polish Certified Scrum Trainer, CST accredited by Scrum Alliance and LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer accredited by LeSS Company. Some say that my strong point is that I perfectly understand the needs of young companies. I know what they need and I can reach them because I know their problems and way of thinking

I have worked as a software engineer, project manager, Scrum Master. I know the delivery of products from all perspectives. In 2010, I founded ProCognita to help people build extraordinary organizations through Agile Coaching and training. I adhere to the principle that the theory alone does not give anything. Lectures and watching subsequent presentations will not improve your skills. The effects can only be obtained through experience and looking at the problem from different perspectives.

As part of the Certified ScrumMaster training, you will receive:

  • 16 hours of interactive training without PowerPoint and boring lectures.
  • The cost of the Certified ScrumMaster exam and one possible retest.
  • An Agile Box containing materials for Scrum Masters, including the book "Biznes Odczarowany" and Planning Poker cards.
  • A certificate of completion for the training.
  • Lunch and coffee breaks.
  • Membership in Scrum Alliance and the renewal of your existing certifications.


Certified ScrumMaster
calendar 09 - 10 December 2024 | Warsaw
Price till 09.11.2024: 850 EURO + VAT
Price from 10.11.2024: 940 EURO + VAT
Do you pay out of your own pocket? Write - we have discounts and installments for you!
Certified ScrumMaster

Not sure if this training is for you?

Let's talk:

Frequently asked questions

Is the course accredited?

Yes, the course is accredited by Scrum Alliance and LeSS Company.

What is the maximum and minimum group size for the training?

The size of the training group ranges from 4 to 16 people.

Does the course prepare for working with scaling models?

Yes, the course is accredited by the LeSS Company and prepares participants to scale according to the LeSS model. After the training, participants will gain access to the LeSS body of knowledge.

Is the exam available in Polish?

Yes, the CSM exam can be taken in Polish.

Do I have to pay extra for the certification?

No, the costs of certification and membership fees are already included in the price of the training.

Are there any additional benefits after passing the exam?

After passing the exam, the participant receives a two-year membership in Scrum Alliance.

Is the training concluded with an exam?

Yes, after the training, the participant can take an online exam to obtain the Certified ScrumMaster certificate.