Videos every Scrum Master should see
My last article Where can I read about Agile and Scrum? attracted significant attention. Therefore I've decided to extend it with list o videos, which should be seen by everyone works with Agile. There are lots of materials from various conferences, but I've decided to focus on those most important ones, with a simple and clear message. Two keys to choose them were 1) less than 20 minutes (to include TED's talks) and 2) quality to length ratio (to focus on short and good ones). Below you can find my list, without any specific order. I hope you don't mind that some of these items occurred in the previous article as well.
Introduction to Agile and Scrum
- What is Agile by Peter Green
- Why Scrum? by Scrum Alliance
Agile Teams
- All about motivation: Dan Pink Drive
- Leader role: Derek Sivers First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy
- Group thinking and adapting to group: Ash Experiment i Elevator Experiment
- Observation - why we need ScrumMaster, observing the team from outside: Awareness Test
- How bomber crews were formed during WWII: Crewing Up
- How New Relic creates its teams: How New Relic Engineers Chose Their Own Teams and Projects
- Effective teams, or why you should visit kindergarten rather than business school: Tom Wujec Build a tower, build a team
- What really motivate people: What 400 Very Happy Rocket Scientists Look Like
Agile Products
- What is Product Owner doing: Agile Product Ownership in a nutshell by Henrik Kniberg
- What Product Owner should focus on: Jeff Patton Output vs. Outcome & Impact
- Creative Product Development: IDEO Shopping Cart
- Why development team should speak with client: Nordstrom Innovation Lab Sunglass iPad App Case Study
- Iterative approach to build a car: Joe Justice Wikispeed
Agile Organization
- What is most important: Simon Sinek Start with Why
- Spotify Culture: part 1 and part 2
- Changing culture at Nuclear Submarine: David Marquet - Greatness
- Coordination Chaos, or why large organizations need to become Agile
- Large Scale Scrum: Introduction to LeSS and LeSS Complete Picture
- Reinventing Organizations: Agile, Lean and Teal Organizations
- Working in Valve: What You Can Learn From Valve’s Employee Handbook
Lean and System Thinking
- How variation generates jams: Shockwave Traffic Jam
- How small change affect whole system: How Wolves Change River
- Lean production line: Building Boeing 737
Working in the complex environment
- What VUCA means: VUCA Transformation
- How to build organization of the future: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment
If you're looking for less serious videos, please have a look at These funny videos you've shown on the training.
I'm extending this list basing on ideas from friends, other trainers and coaches. If you know anything that should be added here, let me know.