These funny videos you’ve shown on training
While organizing materials for my recent article "Videos, every Scrum Master should see" I've noticed that I've huge amount of funny videos higly related to our word. Therefore I've decided to collect them in one place. Of course, there's no better day to publish the list than April's Fools Day. Following list is in quite random order, categorization is accidental and listed are these videos I've enjoyed.
For Scrum Masters
- Rong(TM) Way to do Agile - series of short movies created by Atlasian.
- Terry Tate, Office Linebacker. If you enjoy Terry's approach, then look for more videos with him.
- About people with passion: The Candidate - Heineken's recruting video and King Henry from EY
For Teams
- Scrum in Silicon Valley series (edited by Peter Green)
- High Moon Studios: A Portrait - Scrum.
- A Conference Call in Real Life
- Team from IT Crowd series
- Teamwork
- Business Analytic as necessary role in IT, from Office Space movie
- Pair Programming by Atlasian.
- While ago, EDS created two nice commercials about work in IT: Herding cats i Building airplane
- Intel ad on IT stars
- For Java lovers, amazing series of JavaZone conference commercials.
- Some time ago, Uncle Bob has created horror about Bad Code
For Product Owners
- Free specs
- The Vendor - Client relationship
- Scope creep from Pentagon Wars movie
- How not to promote your products: Microsoft Ipod
- You're the expert, or how to talk with team
- First Word problems, or My Blackberry is not working and Fire in dormitory.