Case Study Mazda

3 ways Mazda factory differs from Toyota

Articles | Case Studies
Last week we described our visit to Toyota Factory. We were lucky to join Mazda

9 Apr 2018

ABE2018 Mary Poppendieck 4 metaphors of Lean

ABE Light 18 | Mary Poppendieck | Four Metaphors For Lean

Sometimes lean principles are easier to understand when we find them operating in completely unexpected

30 Mar 2018

Agile Manifesto

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

Free handouts
Agile Manifesto is a set of guiding values and principles for Agile software development. It

20 Mar 2018

Watching Toyota Production System Live

Articles | Case Studies
Ever since I read “Toyota Way” by Jeffry Liker almost ten years ago, I was

11 Mar 2018


Lean: How to find waste in software development

Articles | Free handouts
Many efficiency guides will tell you what you need to do to increase your effectiveness.

4 Mar 2018


Scrum for Hardware Development

Scrum is commonly adopted in software product development. It comes as no surprise that other

4 Dec 2017

Lista kontrolna zwinności produktu

How Agile is your Product?

Articles | Free handouts
Agile engineering practices is a misleading name. It suggests that only engineers should pay attention

7 Nov 2017

Scrum Principles

Scrum Principles

Articles | Free handouts | Talks
Learn the fundamental principles of Scrum that will help you manage projects effectively. Learn how

22 Sep 2017


Richard Sheridan – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Agility

We agile veterans know that simply transforming a company's IT team to agility without affecting

24 Aug 2017

Lego Agile

Building Agile Structures Workshop

Fun and Interactive Simulation on How Different Organizational Designs Affect Product Delivery

18 Jul 2017

ABE 2017 Greg Hutchings LeSS in Poland

ABE Light 17 | Greg Hutchings | Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) case study in Poland

Greg share how LeSS can serve as a very adaptable scaling framework, and one that

11 Apr 2017

Scrum Master

Scrum Master as a Coach

You can hear that Scrum Master is a team coach. But not many people asks

30 Mar 2017