Justyna Wykowska

ABE2015 Tomasz Wykowski Silent Sort

ABE 15 | Tomasz Wykowski | No time for Planning Poker? Try Silent Sort Estimating instead

Planning Poker is one of the most popular Agile practices. It’s fast, it’s accurate, and it’s a lot of fun. But sometimes it takes too much time, especially when you’re estimating the initial backlog with a new team. If your client isn’t happy with the ‘No Estimates’ approach, it’s time to look for an alternative. Something that will give you estimates for the entire project in an hour or less.

ABE 15 | Tomasz Wykowski | No time for Planning Poker? Try Silent Sort Estimating instead Read More »

Steps Toward Leadership

Almost four years ago, in June 2012, I asked two of my friends to help me set up a local Agile group in Krakow. A few months later we held the first ALE Krakow meeting. Since then we’ve grown tremendously: from two dozen people at early meetings to more than a hundred on every event; from no social media to Facebook and Twitter accounts and more than a thousand members at a meet-up; from presentations done by local speakers to hosting international experts from all over the Europe and the USA.

Steps Toward Leadership Read More »

AgileWarsaw May Poppendieck

Agile Warsaw | Mary Poppendieck | Impossible Problems – Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Necessity is the mother of invention. When things grow incrementally, you can expand current techniques incrementally. But when size explodes or market forces take a sudden unexpected turn, the incremental approach doesn’t work. When problems are so difficult that none of the existing paradigms will work, the stage is set for innovation.

Agile Warsaw | Mary Poppendieck | Impossible Problems – Necessity is the Mother of Invention Read More »


These funny videos you’ve shown on training

While organizing materials for my recent article “Videos, every Scrum Master should see” I’ve noticed that I’ve huge amount of funny videos higly related to our word. Therefore I’ve decided to collect them in one place. Of course, there’s no better day to publish the list than April’s Fools Day. Following list is in quite random order, categorization is accidental and listed are these videos I’ve enjoyed.

These funny videos you’ve shown on training Read More »