unFIX XL: Change & Transformation

Elevate your change management skills! Join our workshop to learn effective transformation strategies—from digital and agile to AI-driven approaches. Practical insights, exercises, and tools to help you implement change and lead your organization into the future.
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unFIX XL: Change & Transformation

Who is the training for:


responsible for the company's strategy and in need of tools for adaptability in a dynamic environment.


seeking solutions to increase efficiency across the entire organization.

Agile Coaches

engaged in transforming organizations on a large scale.

The Transformative Enterprise

Ready to level up your organization's transformation game? Join our interactive workshop, where we dive deep into the world of change and transformation. No stuffy lectures here — just practical insights and hands-on activities to equip you with the tools you need to lead change effectively.

In this workshop, we'll cover everything from change models to innovative transformation strategies, including digital, agile, and AI-driven approaches. You'll learn how to navigate the complexities of change, understand the dynamics of transformation, and drive impactful initiatives within your organization.

So, whether you're a seasoned change agent or just dipping your toes into the world of transformation, this workshop is for you! Get ready to unlock your potential and lead your organization into the future.

This workshop is a part of the unFIX XL program, created by Jurgen Appelo and will be conducted by its creator.

If you sign up for both unFIX XL workshops ("Collaboration & Improvement" and "Change & Transformation") you'll receive a special discount — the total cost will be only or 500 EUR or 2200 PLN net. Don't miss the opportunity for double development at an attractive price!

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of various change models and strategies, from Lewin's Change Management Model to Kotter's 8-Step Change Model.
  • Explore the diffusion of innovation theory and learn how to accelerate the adoption of new ideas and technologies within your organization.
  • Develop practical skills for implementing agile, digital, and AI-driven transformation initiatives, including influencing stakeholders, habit formation, and sustaining change over time.

    Training scope:

    Change and Transformation

    Change Models and Strategies

    Diffusion of Innovation Curve

    Types of Transformation

    Incremental versus Radical Change

    Small Scale versus Large Scale

    Transformation Waves

    Digital Transformation

    Agile Transformation

    AI-Driven Transformation

    Strategies for Change

    Influence and Persuasion

    Habit-Forming Techniques

    As part of the workshop, you will receive:

    • over 3h of interactions with the creator of unFIX XL method,
    • materials and a certificate of completion,
    • coffee breaks.

    Not sure if this training is for you?

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